It was a joy to spend time with Matt and Heidi Bell and their son Isaac along with Dr Calvin Williams, his wife Latrice and daughter Brittany this past week! These two doctors came to do surgeries in Chichicastenango with Dr. Tom Hoak and then came to spend some time with us here for a clinic out in the Zona Reina on Friday and Saturday clinic here in Canilla. As Leslie mentioned in the last post, we are immensely blessed knowing that we have a referral system through Buen Samaritano Hospital for those patients that we see that are in need of surgery. The girl that we mentioned in the last post who received Christ did not show up for her surgery; we are unsure why, but we continue to pray for her, remembering again that so often once they leave the door of our clinic, all we can do is leave them in God's hands.
Our clinic in San Pedro also brought about a feeling that change is in the air there. Their leadership changed about 6 months ago to, as far as we understand, a non-Christian mayor. This trip, we noticed that the usual cheerful and excited atmosphere was replaced with an apathy and seeming sadness even on the faces of some who often bring the most smiles. We had about one third of the amount of patients we have
ever had show up in about two years of working there - further signifying a change - and one of our favorite Christian translators listened to music in one ear the entire time he translated and also displayed a Catholic symbol around his neck. Please pray for the leaders and people of San Pedro that God will turn their hearts back to Him with the passion and joy that has always characterized this village. We know that God never gives up on those He loves, and we pray that his love and mercy will once again draw these people back to Him. Please also pray for discernment for us as we seek guidance on our role at this time.
We look forward to friends Bob and Jodi arriving this weekend for a week long visit, staying through Thanksgiving... it is always a blessing to be able to celebrate this American holiday with fellow Americans!
Please also note that you can keep up with us on Facebook under our page - Adonai International Ministries (just make sure to check out the one based in Guatemala, as there is another Adonai International Ministries as well).