Thursday, May 1, 2014

It has been a few weeks since I have written. We were first in Switzerland for our son Joseph's wedding. It was wonderful! Jessica is  a beautiful addition to our family and we were honored to get to know her family. Jo and Jess will be here with us in Guatemala.

After the wedding we went back to the US for 10 days with all of our family. We have 7 grandchildren now (all under the age of 6) plus Abi and Grace. It was joyful chaos from beginning to end....a privilege that we do not often have.

But back here in Canilla things are moving! The closing date for the hospital property is the 8th of May and I can thankfully report that all $192,000 has been gathered. God is amazing and we stand in awe of His miraculous just 6 months! Equipment is beginning to come as well. We have a trailer full of hospital beds, tables, nursery equipment, exam tables and medicines waiting to be transported to Guatemala. The x-ray equipment is already here in country and waiting to be transported to Canilla.

The school is growing daily and yesterday we received notification that the University San Pablo has approved our petition to open a branch here in Canilla. We will be getting the professional nursing program up and running as quickly as possible and there are dreams of a medical school here as well. The way that God has been moving in the last few months, nothing would surprise me!

Please continue to pray that we have wisdom to manage all that God has placed in our hands. We are daily reminded that we are owners of nothing but in charge of all that He gives. We need lots of wisdom, discernment, and grace!

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5.