Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Clinic today in Chiminisijuan was...challenging. We have had so much rain that the road was impassable with the truck so we took 2 four-wheelers loaded with as much milk and food as we could - plus 3 of us on each one. It was a load for even the four-wheelers which never really complain about whatever abuse we give them. But we made it. Fortunately for us, today was vaccination day so almost all of our patients were waiting on the side of the road for the tech to come and give vaccines. With the new president, if families have their children in school and have them vaccinated, they receive Q300/month (~$50). So they do not miss vaccine days. Even with all of them gone, we still had about 75 people there waiting at the clinic.

It was a pretty normal day until little Ana and her father came in. Ana is three and was obviously ill. Her father told us about how he had taken her into Guatemala City where they told them that she has cancer. I am assuming it is some sort of leukemia. Chemotherapy for them would consist of 6 months of hospitalization and then monthly trips to the City for follow-up chemo. He told of how his mother-in-law had stormed into the hospital and said that they could not afford that kind of care and so they brought her home. They, of course, were asking if there was some way that we could help. He was pretty disappointed to know that we could not give her the treatment that she needs. He and his wife are not Christians but were very willing to talk about it. We told him that of course, salvation would not guarantee that God would heal Ana. But it would guarantee her a spot in heaven should she die. He was agreeable but wants his wife to be with him. So we prayed - and we ask that you pray as well. Pray that God will stretch forth His hand to do signs and wonders; pray that this family would see the power of God and understand the love that He has for them; pray that God would perform a miracle that would lead an entire village to repentance; and pray that Ana will live.

And then for the most frustrating part of the story...They are from a village where there is only one evangelical church and we have heard many things about this church. It seems that the pastor charges his congregation for prayer - among other things. So while you are praying for Ana, would you also pray that God sends laborers into that area who will speak the truth and will love and care for these people who badly need a shepherd.

Thank you for reading this and for praying for Ana. "For where two or more are gathered...."

1 comment:

  1. We have been praying for God to heal Ana and will continue to join you in believing God for a miracle in Ana's life. -Trinity School 5th Grade
