Monday, October 11, 2010

Let The Children Come

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matt 19:14

In a land that is sometimes seemingly made up of primarily women and children, these verse often seem fitting for this land. And as we have seen many children that have needed a savior to come to, they have been a source of comfort this week as well.

Little Winter has continued to struggle, and the hospital placed him on life-support a couple days ago. His family has decided to take him off life support and home where he can pass into the arms of His Savior. Once again, our prayer is that this whole situation has been an opportunity where they might all find the grace, mercy and love of Jesus.

We have also had the privilege of helping a local orphanage take care of a little baby born premature. While we have full confidence that he will be loved, taken care of, and taught Truth, it has been another reminder of the sad situation that some babies enter into in this world, fighting against a sense of rejection and loss from the get go.

And last week in clinic, we saw a woman who was pregnant with triplets! Aside from the reminder of the creative God we serve, there is a level of stress that comes with delivering triplets in our area of the country, mostly stemming from the fact that there is such a high risk that they will deliver prematurely. This particular indigenous family is very poor, has two children, and no living family members to help them. So, for the mother to go into the hospital on bed rest (the recommended situation for how far along she is) means that someone will need to watch her other two children and that the husband will be unable to work for that time while he stays with his wife. Then the issue becomes supporting these three babies should they be born early; we have a good friend in the City who has hooked us up with a doctor in the government hospital system, and so the family will move forward to work within this system to get the help needed, praying that the equipment and skill is available when these babies are born. And then of course once the babies are born, the mother will need help also with general care and most likely formula to help supplement breastfeeding.

And the stories could go on...

And yet, in the midst of these children and more, I am reminded that while there are times that our human hands can do no more, each of them has a Savior - arms wide open - continuously asking that we not hinder in any way their ability to come unto Him, but instead point them in the direction of His welcome embrace... this side of Heaven or the other. And that there, inside His loving arms, they will find an end to their physical suffering, a sense of belonging beyond any they could ever find in the things of this earth, and the miracle of life... even three at once!

Please pray today for these five children and the children of this country... that we will not ever hinder them to find the arms of their Savior, and that they will find life there in His embrace.

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