Thursday, September 13, 2012

 As Jesus said, our Heavenly Father knows even the number of hairs on our head (Matthew 10:30) - and if our eyes are open to His grace - we will notice His provision in the smallest detail of our lives. This is one of my daily prayers, that I will be able to see His hand upon us each day. I know He is is just that sometimes I get so busy that I don't notice and, more importantly, don't remember to say "thank you." But even when I am unfaithful to remember Him, His provision does not fail. He provides for each need even when I have not even asked!

We go through an amazing amount of vitamins each week. All of our prenatal patients (about 75 each week) get a month's worth of vitamins at each visit. Our nutrition children (around 200 of them) get vitamins every two weeks. And many of the 250-300 patients that we see each week get vitamins as well. And while vitamins may seem unecessary for those who eat a healthy diet, for people who eat only tortillas and beans daily, they can make a significant difference in one's health and well being. We depend on a variety of sources. We can buy some (prenatals) from the government when they have them. Most come from generous people who come to visit, and for those we are very grateful. Recently though we have run pretty low on children's vitamins. Katie's mom, who is coming for a visit tomorrow, went into a store this week to buy 2000 vitamins for us. When she explained where they were going, the woman said that she would like to donate them - only not 2000 but 200,000!

Last week in Chumisa, we saw so many little ones who needed milk and several families who needed food. We only bring a limited amount of food each time by estimating how many we should see plus a few extra. Each time I went back to the bag, I would think, "only one more bag of milk left." Then, in would come another family. I would go back to the bag, and there would be another bag. This happened three or four times....I am pretty sure that God was multiplying the "loaves and fish." 

I could go on for a really long time describing the graciousness of His provision each day. As I remember how timidly we began this walk of faith, this total dependence on His hand to provide for all of these people, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. 

"Bless the Lord O my soul; and all that is within me bless His holy name" Psalm 103:1

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