A month has gone by since I last wrote....where does to the time go? We made a brief trip to the US at the end March being home for Easter for the first time in 14 years. Before we left, the girls asked if they might be able to see snow. Well, not only did they see it but they had the biggest snow of the winter while we were there. It was so much fun to watch Grace and Abi experience life in the US. Abi, who never wears pants or a sweater even on the coldest days here, played in the snow for many hours, coming in just long enough to let her hands thaw. It was wonderful to see each of our children, spend time with our grandchildren and go to church during the Easter season.
We returned to Guatemala in time for the hottest, dustiest days of the year as we wait for signs of rain. The construction on the apartment is going well - they are just about ready to put the roof on. Clinics have been super busy since we have been home with lots of sick kids. Amazingly, we do not have any guests scheduled for this month and have been using the time to organize the clinic in preparation for government inspections of the "pharmacy". This is a requirement for both the nursing school which should be up an running by January and for us to be able to continue to purchase medication through the government. All of this is preparation for what we believe God is asking of us....that we open a 24 hour care center. We are making small steps toward this vision that the Lord gave Duane many years ago but they are big steps of faith. We have no idea how it will all come together with some big pieces of the puzzle still missing (like finances, and medical staff) but we trust that in His timing all will come together. Please pray for us that we "might live a life worthy of the Lord and that we might please him in every way; bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God...that we might have great endurance and patience..."
Col. 1:11 (my paraphrase)
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