Monday, July 8, 2013

Gosh, a whole month has past since I posted last...this has been a busy month with lots of visitors and a couple of teams. Our schedule is finally returning to "normal". Our children, Joseph and Rachel, who have spent the last 6 months in the US, are home. They did a six month internship at IHOP, (the International House of Prayer - not pancakes!) praying from 11pm to 6am each night and attending classes during the day. They, along with David -who spent 3 months there, have returned with renewed faith and passion for Jesus. There is nothing that brings more joy to my heart than to see our children following hard after God. We are very, very grateful to Him because we know that it is only by His grace and mercy that our children are walking out their faith. I often remember those days when we made the decision to move our family here. We were met with such opposition from family and friends who feared that we were endangering our family by leaving our culture and the benefits of growing  up in the US. And then I remember all of the mistakes I made in raising them...and I know without a doubt that God has had His hand upon them.

Progress toward the acute care center continues. We have lab equipment coming soon. The dorm construction is coming together - the roof is almost ready to go on. The paperwork for the nursing school is in progress - although we ask for your prayers in this. We need favor with the Guatemalan government to get final approval to be able to start in January. The physical help that we need is beginning to come. Adrienne, our long time friend will come in August. She is an enormous help and has an ability to see what needs to be done often before we do. And we will begin to get to know the physicians who have committed to come, this fall. It is overwhelming if I think about it too much or think too much in the future. So I just take today....and rest in the knowledge that He is in control.
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33

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